Cerkno adventure park – release the brakes, tension the ropes

All the fun challenges in store for you at the Cerkno Adventure Park are bound to give you an adrenaline rush, inspire goose bumps and make an excited smile spread over your face. An adventure that the whole family can enjoy. You can look forward to a forest adventure with forty fun obstacles at three different difficulty levels, a climbing wall and a final zipline ride.

  • HC ikona 3 tezavnostne stopnje
    3 difficulty levels
  • HC ikona 40 dogodivscin
    40 adventures
  • HC ikona Plezalna stena
    Climbing wall
  • 3stopnje


    Fun challenges for everyone

    In the adventure park, you can put your courage and balance to the test at three height and difficulty levels. Each level consists of twelve fun challenges that end with an unforgettable zipline ride. 

    Experienced instructors and a harness with the Saferoller safety trolley will make sure you are perfectly safe.

    HC plezalna 2

    From the age of 10 and the height of 160 cm with arms outstretched overhead

    HC plezalna 1

    From the age of 6 and the height of 140 cm with arms outstretched overhead

    HC plezalna 3

    From the age of 10 and the height of 160 cm with arms outstretched overhead

  • Plezalna stena


    The best view comes after the hardest climb

    The 8-metre-high climbing wall is an excellent training ground for both beginners and experienced climbers, as well as those who are keen on mountaineering or free climbing. You will be protected by the Trublue belay system, which will keep you above the ground when descending or slipping.

  • Sportni da za otroke

    Sports days

    Activities for schools

    Sports days are the favourite and most eagerly awaited days of every schoolchild. Make sure your pupils have an unforgettable day, full of adrenaline and sports challenges that will contribute to their sense of direction and the correct development of their fundamental movement skills. At the Cerkno Adventure Park, the pupils are guaranteed to have an unforgettable day will plenty of wonderful hikes, cycling and adrenaline-fuelled challenges that will provide them with new knowledge, help them overcome fears and give them an unforgettable sports experience in nature.

  • Zakljucene skupine

    Adrenaline park

    An adventure for groups

    The Cerkno Adventure Park is an excellent spot for various gatherings, such as company team-building events, birthday parties and celebrations of all kinds. A perfect choice for those who would like to step out of the box and take the bonds between colleagues or friends to a higher level – literally.


The project ‘Investment in Sustainable Transformation and Improved Competitiveness of Hotel Cerkno d.o.o.’ was co-funded by the EU.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The operation is part-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. It is implemented under the “Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the 2014-20202 Period”, Priority Axis 15 "Promoting Crisis Recovery as Part of REACT-EU-ESRR”, Priority Investment 15.1 "Promoting Crisis Recovery as Part of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Preparing for a Green, Digital and Resilient Economic Recovery”.