The project ‘Investment in Sustainable Transformation and Improved Competitiveness of Hotel Cerkno d.o.o.’ was co-funded by the EU.

The operation is part-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. It is implemented under the “Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the 2014-20202 Period”, Priority Axis 15 "Promoting Crisis Recovery as Part of REACT-EU-ESRR”, Priority Investment 15.1 "Promoting Crisis Recovery as Part of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Preparing for a Green, Digital and Resilient Economic Recovery”.

The main project goal and objective is to upgrade the Cerkno Ski Resort and turn it into a year-round mountain resort focused on outdoor recreation, which will take advantage of natural and cultural assets to undergo a sustainable, digital and environment-friendly transformation, and improve its competitive position. 
The project includes the following activities:

    • Modernising the ski lifts – specifically the Brdo, Lom and Davča ski lifts – by means of new electrical control gears, 
    • Purchasing an adventure park with a climbing wall, 
    • Purchasing the GoGiro bikes,
    • Introducing a Zero Waste strategy, 
    • Purchasing a snow cannon. 

Project implementation will allow us to improve the competitive position, increase the number of employees, digitise the ski lifts and have other positive impacts on the environment and society through sustainable transformation, environmental sustainability and establishment of social sustainability. All the listed goals will allow the company to become more resistant to market changes and continue to operate in a sustainable, competitive and high-quality manner.

The investment is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. 
Total subsidy amount: EUR 2,035,552.00 
More information on the EU’s Cohesion Policy: